Typescript/Node API

The Typescript API client supports operation in a web browser - e.g. in a web app/SPA - or in Node on a server.

Install dependencies

npm install @connectrpc/connect @connectrpc/connect-web

Set up buf

npm config set @awts:registry https://buf.build/gen/npm/v1

Install AWTS APIs

npm install @buf/alphaweighted_awts.connectrpc_es

Set up

Create a new file called awts.ts in your project, and put the below into it:

Replace http://localhost:35000 with the URL to wherever your AWTS environment is installed - this can be set from an environment variable if you prefer.

import { MuxService } from "@buf/alphaweighted_awts.connectrpc_es/awts/mux/v1/mux_connect";

import { createPromiseClient } from "@connectrpc/connect";
import { createGrpcWebTransport } from "@connectrpc/connect-web";

const transport = createGrpcWebTransport({
    baseUrl: String('http://localhost:36000'),

export const muxClient = createPromiseClient(MuxService, transport)

Call an API endpoint

Then, from your code, call APIs easily with a Promise-based syntax like this:

import { muxClient } from "@/backend/awts";

muxClient.status({}).then((resp:StatusResponse) => {
}).catch((reason:any) => {

Access the other APIs

Each of the API services can be accessed in the same way, using the respective service objects, e.g. DataService, NewsService, RunnerService, etc.

For environments using Mux you can reuse the same transport to connect to Mux, as it serves all service APIs and proxies requests through to the relevant backend module.

For example:

import { DataService } from "@buf/alphaweighted_awts.connectrpc_es/awts/data/v1/data_connect";

export const dataClient = createPromiseClient(DataService, transport)

dataClient.value({ref: 'POLYGON:SPX'}).then((resp:StatusResponse) => {
    console.log('current price of SPX:', resp.last)
}).catch((reason:any) => {

Further reading

Buf's material on how they generate Typescript from the .proto specs is here: https://buf.build/docs/bsr/generated-sdks/npm